The Paradigm Shift

In the last five years, we have learned more about the microbiome than we ever knew before. We are on the verge of a massive breakthrough in the way that we view our health.

The Beginner’s Guide to the Microbiome

Dr. Talia Zenlea, MD

Wondering what the microbiome is all about? Start here to learn foundational knowledge that will prepare you for the rest of The Microbiome Summit.

Duration: 3m55s

The Brain-Gut-Microbiome Connection

Dr. Emeran Mayer, MD, PhD

The interaction between the gut and the brain is a complex relationship called the gut-brain axis. This relationship is unseen to the human eye, but is so important to our overall health.

Duration: 21m01s

The Old Friends Hypothesis & the M.Vaccae Story

Dr. Chris Lowry, PhD

According to the “Old Friends Hypothesis,” our body is old friends with some microorganisms that have been a part of our evolution and are necessary for our health.

Duration: 26m02s

Microbes I: Biodiversity Losses & Human Health

Dr. Susan Prescott, MD, PhD & Dr. Alan Logan, ND

Dysbiosis describes a loss of microbial diversity in the gut, but it is also happening on a larger scale. This has larger implications on the future of human health. Everything is connected.

Duration: 21m49s

Microbes II: Multi-System Effects of Inflammation

Dr. Susan Prescott, MD, PhD & Dr. Alan Logan, ND

There is a window of opportunity for establishing a microbiome in early life – and a lack of microbial diversity, called dysbiosis, is like the “canary in the coal mine” that can lead to allergies and other health issues down the road.

Duration: 21m44s

Microbes III: Healing Dysbiosis

Dr. Susan Prescott, MD, PhD & Dr. Alan Logan, ND

Dysbiosis describes a loss of microbial diversity. Given that dysbiosis is caused by a number of different factors, reversing dysbiosis requires a multi-pronged approach – you are what you eat, eats!

Duration: 24m10s

The Curation of “The Secret World Inside You” Exhibit

Dr. Rob DeSalle, PhD

An exhibit called “The Secret World Inside You” was hosted at the American Museum of Natural History in 2016 – learn why the microbiome was chosen as the focus, directly from the curator.

Duration: 16m34s

Mental health and brain-microbiota axis

Dr. Jane Foster, PhD

There are several ways in which our microbiota can communicate with our brains – including the many different pathways between the gut and the brain which are important in health and disease. In this interview, Dr. Jane Foster will discuss how differences in gut bacteria may be implicated in the various types of mental health conditions, and new possibilities in “psychobiotics” – probiotics that could confer a mental health benefit.

Duration: 14m48

The Microbiome and Brain Health

Dr. John F. Cryan, PhD

Gut microbes play a huge factor in our thoughts, our cognition and our social behaviour, so we need to know how to take care of our microbiome to better support our brain and mental health. Dr. John Cryan leads us through some of the ways we may be hurting our microbiome, and how to fix it with psychobiotics.

Duration: 33m12